Breast Reconstruction

Breast reconstruction restores a natural, symmetrical appearance to the bosom, maintains body proportion, allows clothes to fit better, and most important of all, boosts self-confidence for women who have lost one or both breasts to mastectomy or lack breasts due to a congenital or developmental abnormality. Reconstructive surgeons strive to create a new breast and nipple that resemble the woman’s natural breast as closely as possible in shape, size and position.

Who is a good candidate for breast reconstruction surgery?

Women whose cancer seems to have been eradicated with mastectomy are the best candidates for breast reconstruction. Others prefer to postpone surgery as they come to terms with having cancer, consider the extent of the procedure, or explore alternatives.

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What should I expect during breast reconstruction surgery?

The reconstruction itself consists of multiple operations, the first of which involves creation of the breast mound and is performed during or after mastectomy in a hospital under general anesthesia. Later surgeries, if necessary, may be done in the hospital or an outpatient facility, with either general or local anesthesia.

There are several ways to reconstruct the breast, both with and without implants; your breast surgeon and plastic surgeon should work together with you in deciding which is best for you.

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Check out real patient Breast Reconstruction Before and After photos here

For more educational videos check out our video gallery here

To schedule an appointment, online consultation or learn more about Breast Reconstruction please Contact Us or call us at 336.768.8483

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